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⋙ [PDF] Punishing Lady Jane edition by Rosy Maylor Romance eBooks

Punishing Lady Jane edition by Rosy Maylor Romance eBooks

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Lady Jane Roud is accustomed to her husband's firm-handed discipline and dominance in the bedroom, but when he brings her to a gathering of like-minded men and women she flaunts her naughtiness and ends up making such a scene that both of them are banned from the group. Jane's behavior earns her a thorough, humiliating spanking, but it will require quite a bit more than just a well-reddened bottom for the couple to be allowed to rejoin the highly exclusive club.

Wanting to undo the damage she has done, Jane sets out to convince the other members to change their minds, but proving her contrition will be no easy task. She will be required to submit completely to a master chosen by the group, who will both enjoy her body in any fashion he pleases and chastise her in ways more shameful than she can imagine. But when the club demands a painful, humiliating public punishment which will be harsher than anything she has experienced so far, will her husband put a stop to things or allow Jane to finish what she started?

Publisher's Note Punishing Lady Jane includes spankings, sexual scenes, intense and humiliating punishments, and more. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.

Punishing Lady Jane edition by Rosy Maylor Romance eBooks

Move over Victorian kink writers, there's a new author in town. Rosy Maylor has a lovely debut with Punishing Lady Jane. Although some reviewers find the kink too harsh and others consider the behavior of the husband "cheating," Maylor is upfront about writing polyamorous stories. The members of Mistress Caro's club (or brothel, depending on your tastes) include many from the ranks of society as well as others not so high born. Lord Roud brings his wife, who is regularly spanked, to a party the club throws without adequately preparing her for the experience. She gets drunk with alcohol and embarrassment and complications ensue, with the end result being her public punishment at the club, which it turns out, she loves. The novel is short, so there isn't as much time for character development as I would like, but the overall writing is good for a first book and the editing is even better. All the kink here is consensual. No one forces Jane's agreement to the punishment and she's perfectly fine with her husband's desire for "variety" in his sex life. All in all, I really enjoyed it.

Product details

  • File Size 431 KB
  • Print Length 153 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1542606349
  • Publisher Stormy Night Publications (January 13, 2017)
  • Publication Date January 13, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Punishing Lady Jane  edition by Rosy Maylor Romance eBooks

Tags : Punishing Lady Jane - Kindle edition by Rosy Maylor. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Rosy Maylor,Punishing Lady Jane,Stormy Night Publications,Fiction Romance Historical Victorian,Fiction Romance Historical General
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Punishing Lady Jane edition by Rosy Maylor Romance eBooks Reviews

This book was well written and quite an interesting story. Lady Jane is taken to a party by her husband where anything goes. He does not tell her the rules beforehand and she proceeds to break all of them. She is despondent when they are kicked out because of her behavior. She agrees to do anything to persuade the members to allow them back. She has to give in to a master chosen by the group. Here is where it got a bit intense for me. It was a good story but a little too deep. I received an ARC from Stormy Night Publications for an honest review.
I received a copy from Stormy Night Publications and Voluntarily reviewed this book.

The book is well written and I enjoyed the first half of the book. Lord Roud takes Jane to a BDSM party and doesn't tell her what kind of party it is and doesn't really inform her of the rules. She drinks too much and causes a ruckus at the party. He then punishes her at home but refuses to allow the club to set her punishment and is ejected permanently. At this point, Jane sets about finding a solution that will allow them back in the club. Once a solution is found and Lord Roud is informed of it, he still does not want his wife to have to submit to her punishment. Jane is adamant. At this point the book nose dived for me (the story is still good but the ending is really not to my taste), my reason will be listed in the spoilers below. Overall I enjoyed the first part of the book but didn't like the conclusion, but others that do not have my aversion (mentioned in the spoiler) will enjoy this book.


The two main characters love each other but neither can satisfy the other. He wants variety and she wants more pain, humiliation, etc. than he is willing to provide. I just was not comfortable with their open relationship (I view this as cheating and it is not something I usually enjoy reading).
*disclaimer* There must be something seriously wrong with me because I can't seem to get enough when it comes to Dark Twisted Erotica with a heavy pinch of Horror stirred in. No, there is nothing Dark about this story, it's quite tame actually. But there is one element to it I just can't stomach ... CHEATING!
What is it about a man who tells his wife he loves her, then spends the night in another womans bed that turns me off to the point of tossing the book in the trash without reading another page?? I am no pansy ... like I say, huge fan of everything Sick & Twisted here ... but for crying out loud, there is Nothing hot about cheating!
UHGH! What a buzz kill.
Two thumbs down.
Very well written, with an actual plot and some dramatic tension. I will buy the next thing that this author writes.
I loved this book. It was HOT HOT HOT! The humor was an added bonus. I don't find alternative lifestyle as necessarily cheating. If you are not into it then simply avoid this type of book. I ran to my computer to see what else this author has written. I anxiously await her next. Rosy please don't make us wait too much longer! I was not offered or given any incentive to write this review.
Thoroughly enjoyed this first novel by Rosy Maylor and look forward to her next novel. I thought it interesting to see how these two came to know and accept each other. And the "cheeky" dialogue was very enjoyable. Humor is always welcome in these types of tales.
27 cuts with a cane and being humiliated in front of everyone else.not to mention you and your husband screwing others is a little too dark for me but others may enjoy it.
Move over Victorian kink writers, there's a new author in town. Rosy Maylor has a lovely debut with Punishing Lady Jane. Although some reviewers find the kink too harsh and others consider the behavior of the husband "cheating," Maylor is upfront about writing polyamorous stories. The members of Mistress Caro's club (or brothel, depending on your tastes) include many from the ranks of society as well as others not so high born. Lord Roud brings his wife, who is regularly spanked, to a party the club throws without adequately preparing her for the experience. She gets drunk with alcohol and embarrassment and complications ensue, with the end result being her public punishment at the club, which it turns out, she loves. The novel is short, so there isn't as much time for character development as I would like, but the overall writing is good for a first book and the editing is even better. All the kink here is consensual. No one forces Jane's agreement to the punishment and she's perfectly fine with her husband's desire for "variety" in his sex life. All in all, I really enjoyed it.
Ebook PDF Punishing Lady Jane  edition by Rosy Maylor Romance eBooks

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